Why was Governor Tony Evers touring a Kenosha facility Thursday?

Governor Tony Evers toured the Kenosha Emerging Leaders Academy in Uptown Kenosha on Thursday, discussing its programs designed to expose youth to technology and other career paths.

Evers said KELA is a “beautiful facility” and “good things are happening with young people and others in the community; they are learning skills that they are going to need to survive in our society.”

Evers said organizations with dedicated staff members also play “a huge role in preventing violence” by getting young people invested in their local communities as leaders. He spoke of the new statewide Wisconsin Office of Violence Prevention he created by executive order, directing $10 million to begin its work and administer grants supporting violence prevention efforts.

KELA, with a Kenosha YMCA Teen Achievers program and Best Buy Teen Tech Center, previously benefited from American Rescue Plan Act funds that Evers and his administration directed to programs focused on fostering community safety.

The academy, in the former Brown Bank building, 2222 63rd St., is designed to empower local youth. KELA offers a range of after school programs focused on career development, academic support and entrepreneurial growth.

Read more at kenoshanews.com.

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