Kenosha Innovation Neighborhood names Kelly Armstrong as its first president

The Kenosha Innovation Neighborhood named Kelly Armstrong its first president.

Armstrong will build upon the work of Jerry Franke, who was announced as the interim executive director last fall. Moving forward, Franke will continue to be engaged with the KIN in a consultant capacity.

The KIN is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing a unique, neighborhood-centric site for residents and visitors to live, work, learn and play.

Armstrong brings a passion for community engagement, including more than 15 years of experience in economic development and an established background of collaboration with local and regional governments.

Having most recently served as the vice president of economic development for the Greater Green Bay Chamber, Armstrong led the efforts of nine strategic task forces and 11 initiatives of the Greater Green Bay Community Economic Development Strategic Plan. She also served as director of sector strategy development for the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, where her work included fostering public and private partnerships.

Read more at the Kenosha News.

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