Invest with Us
Why Should You Invest in KABA?
Your membership is a great investment in the economic well-being of the community where you live, work, or do business.
As Kenosha County’s economic development organization, KABA leads efforts to retain, expand and attract new business investment and job growth. KABA seeks to build a sustained, collaborative community effort to improve the economic and social well-being of our community through strategic programs that encourage retention and creation of jobs, enhance the tax base, and improve the quality of life. KABA’s programs enhance the economy and quality of life of the community.
Economic development promotes prosperity in the entire Kenosha Area – investing in KABA means you are providing the foundational support necessary for the continued economic growth of Kenosha County. Your financial support will have a direct impact on KABA’s ability to build a strong, sustainable economy through business retention, expansion and attraction strategies.
Your membership connects you to over 300 area companies and provides many opportunities for you to develop relationships and grow your business.
KABA advocates for the needs of the business community. We constantly collect information and insights from Kenosha County companies to determine the area’s strengths as well as its challenges. KABA uses the valuable information to determine its priorities, evaluate public policies, and develop strategies to improve all aspects of Kenosha County’s business climate.
Economic Development
At its core, KABA fosters economic development by helping companies that are in Kenosha County innovate, expand and thrive; and by assisting companies that want to make a move to or within Kenosha County. While everything KABA does could be considered economic development, working directly with companies in all aspects of their growth is highest on that list.
KABA provides site selection services, financing assistance through revolving loan funds and local and state incentives, valuable data about the business climate and labor force in Kenosha County and support throughout a company's expansion or relocation plans.
KABA has also been instrumental in the development of several business parks in Kenosha County including LakeView Corporate Park, the Business Park of Kenosha and most recently the Salem Business Park.

Talent Development
Attracting, retaining and engaging with people to live, work and find success in Kenosha County is an ideal to which KABA is strongly committed.
Along with its partners, KABA works closely with new and existing employers to find the talent they need to continue to grow. Targeted recruitment and hiring events are some of the ways KABA has successfully identified the highly skilled and educated talent that local companies need.
YLink - Kenosha's young professional organization, administered by KABA - is aimed at connecting YPs to each other, while allowing them to have highly unique professional, social and community engagement experiences that showcase Kenosha’s best assets. It is one solution to attracting, retaining and developing talent in the Kenosha area.
KABA is also able to provide employers with connections to local colleges, universities and K-12 institutions. Programs such as Schools2Skills, internships and job shadow events provide workforce solutions for companies and learning opportunities for students.

Leadership and support for important community inititatives
A vibrant and thriving community that has an exciting city center, robust and responsive infrastructure, high quality education systems and the cultural and recreational amenities that create a community people want to live and work in, is essential to attracting and retaining businesses and talent.
KABA works with its partners across the community to advocate for continuous improvement in the Kenosha community. It has been engaged in various efforts to foster progress including continued revitalization the Downtown Area, the formation a young professional organization and advancement of innovative educational initiatives such as Building Our Future.

Professional Development + Events
KABA regularly hosts workshops, webinars, conferences, leadership training, and events to engage, inform and empower. We strive to hone the skills of individual employees at all levels and collectively gather around a broader challenge or opportunity facing an industry or the entire community.
Whether its safety training for a specific workplace or the overall issue of attracting talent to the region, KABA tailors its programming to address the needs of the business community.

Exclusive News and Events
KABA members have access to great information about the Kenosha Area business climate and development. Every member receives KABA’s quarterly printed newsletter, Directions, as well as the KABA Update, a monthly e-newsletter. KABA hosts noteworthy member events annually on behalf of the business community, including Key Issues Breakfasts on timely topics, a leadership summit, an economic forecast breakfast, a business awards dinner, an annual meeting, a holiday social, and many more.