
KABA Staff

KABA’s day-to-day management is led by a strong team of talented professionals who work tirelessly to promote KABA’s vision that Kenosha County is the premier destination for new investment and talent in the Chicago-Milwaukee corridor.

Emily Bruno

Program Coordinator
ebruno@kaba.org | 262.925.3461

Lisa Feltson

Office Manager
lfeltson@kaba.org | 262.925.3460

Brooke Infusino

Director of Talent Development
binfusino@kaba.org | 262.925.3464

Becky Noble

Director of Marketing
bnoble@kaba.org | 262.925.3465

Brock Portilia

Chief Financial Officer
bportilia@kaba.org | 262.925.3468

Nicole Ryf
